'Upon this Rock I will build my Church'

Taking inspiration from Jesus' words above, this website uses the music and videos of the band, Critical Mass, to teach the Catholic faith to both Catholics and any Protestants who have questions about what their Christian brethren actually believe.  For the full description, go to the Catechism.  Despite what some may think, everything the Church teaches conforms to Scripture.  This makes perfect sense as the Church compiled the Scriptures at the Council of Hippo in AD 393!  Our teachings are ancient, as you can see from historical writings dating from the early times of the Church.  Our faith makes perfect sense and you will find, for whatever questions you might have, that there are answers!  We have some of the greatest thinkers in all of human history within the Catholic Church (Augustine, Aquinas, John Paul II etc).  Explore below to find out more about the Catholic Church!

For the Bible, check out the Douay-Rheims Bible (the original English Translation predating the King James) or the New Jerusalem Bible.  


Catholics believe that, in Communion, it is truly Jesus that is present;  Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.  Although the bread and wine retain their appearance, they are transubstantiated into our Saviour.  This is why Catholics take Communion so seriously.  Going to Mass is the pinnacle of our worship!  The video below conveys the importance of the Bread of Life in our Catholic lives.  Catholics should not go up for Communion without going to Confession first and  recognizing that they are truly in the Presence of the Lamb of God.

Check out this link to find out the scriptural reasons for this Catholic belief


Click on the video below to see the Critical Mass Video, "Mary's Song". This video is about Catholic teaching on Mary.  Mary is our ultimate Christian model.  We do not worship her but ask for her prayers to help us in our lives.  At the Weddng of Cana, Mary asked Jesus to do His first miracle and then commands us all to "do as He tells you".   For a Catholic, deepening your relationship with Mary will lead to an even deeper relationship with her Son, Jesus Christ.

Check out this link to find out the scriptural reasons for this Catholic belief.


Apostolic Succession
We believe that Peter was the first leader of the Church (Pope) and that, since then, there has been a passing down of this authority through all the popes and bishops in hisory. The video below is called Kephas, which is the Aramaic form of Peter, which is the language Jesus would have used when conferring to him the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Check out this link to find out the scriptural reasons for this Catholic belief

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